Francesca's Folly

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2002-06-24 - 10:41 a.m.

Being 42, I keep reminding myself, is better than the alternative, which ironically is death, but I'm not anywhere near what I thought I'd be doing at 42. Sigh. I'm having a woe-is-me day. How ultimately unattractive is that!

So I'll use my diary to remind myself how good life is, focus on the good things. I bought wonderful 100% linen for some 14th C garb to try to blend a little better with Padraiga, Kynebur, Theo over then next year or so. I saw the Sultan exhibit at the NC Museum of Art which was breathtaking!!! God, they loved blue and gold and they made awesome things in cloth, metal, parchment, ivory and even gold tobacco leaves... I need to read more!!!!

I also saw The Bourne Identity which was good. And Nia, Nikulai and Manus came over to made a birthday dinner for me last night. Spaghetti and stemed veggies. It was very tasty. Actually Manus put together my shoe organizer for me and brought me roses from his garden. How lovely!

Lovely pink flowers have just arrived from Caroline. Thank you!

And my String Thing folks were fabulous to me yesterday. Gosh, I love String Thing. So many interesting people. I do have a life blessed with good people. So being 42 will be bearable, I'd just rather be 25. :-)

Love to my buddies.

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